Some of us have a very distorted understanding of God, and we need to raise our gaze, open up, and empty out so we can be filled. Our understanding of God is limited because it is too vast for our five senses. I’ve been that caged bird, the only difference is I put myself in the cage – a cage made by my own fears, insecurities, people’s opinions, and the constant need for validation. I was afraid of my tendencies and blocked out self-actualization, a higher awakening of consciousness. I ended up living in my head, when I was meant to be expressing and learning, not just hearing but doing.


Life often blinds our vision and understanding, keeping us trapped in a never-ending circle of pain. I couldn’t express myself, standing on the sidelines of my own life while teaching on leadership but not leading my own. My approach to women’s empowerment changed through my greatest life lesson yet: always express my most authentic self.


Nina Simone once asked, “So why do you want to fly, Blackbird? You ain’t ever gonna fly.” There is something called genetic and environmental conditioning, which isn’t exactly us. We were born into a sinful world, empty, and began learning habits, the way we talk, react, and more. For instance, no one is born a drunkard; you learn it from the graphic images your mind absorbs over time. These are like software programs we can choose to unlearn and relearn.


The key is to believe in yourself, your passion, and love yourself and the life you’re living. The love you seek to give others must start with self-love. Self-love means understanding yourself, accepting your truth no matter how ugly or flawed it may be. It’s about transforming your flaws into strengths instead of hiding them within.


Learn to shed your skin like a snake; change is constant. It’s called emotional intelligence, as we can choose to go back to safety or move forward with growth. Emotional growth is hard work and can be painful, but falling in love with the process of self-discovery and self-improvement changes your perspective.


Once you start living authentically and getting to know yourself better, there’s no going back. We all should strive to grow into someone we are absolutely in love with. Take a step back when you find yourself doing something to impress others. Your self-talk determines your worth, so speak highly of yourself without feeling like you’re bragging.


Ironically, your biggest enemy and critic is often yourself. Remember, no one’s judgment is louder than your own in your life. Your life doesn’t stop for your feelings; it goes on. So, let’s all break free from our self-imposed cages, because none of us are getting out of this world alive.

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