Sex and our sex drive are integral parts of human existence, conversations, and life. It is a powerful and intricate force that gives us passion, drive, and a desire to accomplish things. The energy generated by our sexuality can have a profound impact on our motivation and productivity.


For example, when an attractive individual enters a workplace, it can inspire both men and women to take better care of themselves and feel more motivated. This energy, often called sex energy or people magnetism, is a God-given gift. It doesn’t necessarily mean that everyone wants to have sex with that person, but it can enhance overall enthusiasm and drive.


However, it’s important to note that while sexual energy is natural and essential, it should be channeled positively for personal development and success. Many successful individuals have learned to direct this energy into other areas instead of dissipating it through various relationships.


Sex transmutation, the process of redirecting sexual energy towards other endeavors, requires willpower and self-development. While modifying behavior is possible, true heart transformation can only come from God. The desire for intimacy is a God-given gift, but it should ideally be fulfilled through a connection with God rather than seeking to fill a void through physical relationships.


Sexual desire should not be suppressed or eliminated, but rather given an outlet through expressions that enrich the body, mind, and spirit. If not channeled appropriately, it can lead to immoral behavior. The emotion of sex holds the secret to our creative ability, as our sex drive is closely tied to our creativity, and God, as the ultimate creator, is inherently creative.


Marriage is a beautiful union where love and sex are combined, and it can bring about a state of spiritual connection. When romance is added to love and sex within a marriage, it removes barriers between the finite mind of humans and the infinite mind of God, potentially giving birth to genius. Gen 2 vs 24, and they shall be one flesh, the mystery of intimacy hezekiah 16 vs 8 thou becomes mine, 1st corinthians 6 vs 17 but that is joined unto the lord is one spirit.


God is beyond our complete comprehension, too big for the human mind, too big for our five senses and we were created in His image and likeness. God possesses qualities found in both men and women, including love, gentleness, protectiveness, and providing. Marriage, as an institution established by God, serves as a foreshadowing to help us understand God more fully.


Engaging in sex within the boundaries of marriage glorifies God, as it is an act of worship. It is an experience that reveals God’s fullness. Going outside the boundaries of marriage detracts from God’s glory and goes against His plan. Sex outside of marriage can have negative physical and psychological effects, especially for women who release oxytocin during sex this is the same chemicals or hormones released during childbirth and lactation, it has physical and psychological effect including affecting behavior and emotions, sex outside of marriage is not Gods plan and  it most likely affects us more negatively than we know. 


Sex and our sex drive play significant roles in human life. When channeled appropriately and experienced within the context of marriage, it can be a powerful and fulfilling expression of love, intimacy, and creativity that brings glory to God.


I did some research about women and men independently and how they view sex within the confines of marriage and outside the jurisdiction of marriage, I will share some very interesting truths about my research soon, until then stay connected and look out for my next post.

Happy cheers!!!


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