Competing in a beauty pageant can be a life-changing experience, but it helps to have some winning insight. At the age of 18, I competed in my first pageant as an adult and won the title of Miss Madonna University. I’ve since competed in a number of beauty pageants including on the national level. In nearly all of these competitions, I’ve snagged the title and crown, eventually moving on to direct my own platform. You can bet that over these years I’ve learned a thing or two about competing successfully in a pageant and trust me you can personalise these principles and apply them to your career path or businesses. Here are some tips I hope you’ll find insightful.


Learn To Take Initiative:
Whilst having a queen who is beautiful and regal is great,  organisers also want a queen who will take initiative in different situations. Make sure you know the agenda for the competition and follow it diligently. This means being proactive, punctual for all events, and communicating effectively with the organisers at all times. It is your responsibility to know the pageant’s vision and rules thoroughly, what is allowed and not allowed throughout the competition, etc.  If you don’t know something, ask the pageant director who is there to help you along with the other contestants!  
The Law Of Attraction:
 A positive mindset is perhaps one of the best pageant tips to embrace! As a man thinks in his heart so he is, yes some competitors are indeed gorgeous and have outstanding resumes but oftentimes, it is not the prettiest or most accomplished girl that walks away with the crown…
Believing in yourself and your ability to succeed is your best asset. Don’t think negatively about what might happen, you will only be sabotaging your efforts from the very beginning, develop and maintain a strong, confident mindset.  Furthermore, no matter what the outcome, there is always an opportunity to learn from the experience, gain knowledge and make new friends.
Never To Be Caught Unfresh:
The judges and organisers are always looking for a well-rounded woman who is the total package from the inside out. It is very important that from head to toe you carry yourself well and that you look your personal best. A part of presenting yourself well and looking your personal best is paying attention to the details. Details such as your body, your skin, your nails, and your teeth. You will need just the right combination of outfits to wear throughout the competition, so it’s important that you plan them strategically. During the course of many pageant competitions, you will participate in different preliminary events. When I competed in Face Of Nigeria, for example, we met with dignitaries, visited with sponsors, and the like, so pre-plan and organise your outfit for every single event and section them together in your suitcase.   
Although we live in a very casual culture in terms of how we dress day to day, how we speak to one another, and even how we conduct ourselves as women… A pageant is certainly the time and place to step up your game! Unless during a pageant you’re specifically asked to dress down, jeans and sneakers should not be in your wardrobe whatsoever. Every time you step out during your pageant competition, you should be dressed your very best from head to toe.
Oh, and keep it modest too, if it’s a bit too tight, questionably short, or you’d wear it to a nightclub, think twice if it’s appropriate for a pageant. Having a chic and fabulously stylish wardrobe can be quite costly and not something that everyone has in their budget. Especially if you want, of course, high-quality items that fit well and look great on you too. One of the best beauty pageant tips for competitors on a budget is to rent at least some of your wardrobe.
Practice Makes For Improvement:
Stage presentation is an aspect of competition that can really set you apart from the other girls. It’s the way a girl commands all eyes on her with the confidence she exudes, the sparkle in her eyes and charming smile. A great way of recognising stage presence is by watching video clips of past competitions and watching for that girl you just can’t take your eyes off of. The pageant interviews (both with the judges and on stage) are perhaps the most important segments to win a pageant. This is where the crown and title are often won or lost. Because even in a “beauty” pageant competition, the judges and organisers want a queen that is likable, well-spoken, and attractive even on the inside.
A great way to prepare for your pageant interviews is by simply practising. Research a list of the top pageant interview questions and diligently practice for your interview.
Make friends with your competitors:
Even if you go on to compete in other pageant competitions, you will never again compete with the same group of girls. There’s no need to be uncouth or rude with the other girls,  it’s also a bad look. Work together if need be. Help each other. It won’t put you in a worse off position to help another girl. And it’s not uncommon at all to meet lifelong friends in a pageant competition.
The organisers and judges are always watching:
Even when you think no one is watching because you’re not on stage or you’re in an informal environment, always act as if the judges and organisers are watching, because trust me, they are. A great pageant tip to keep in mind is to always carry yourself like the queen. The same is true for how you conduct yourself on social media.
Have fun!
Besides the fact that competing in a pageant will help you improve yourself inside and out, it’s also meant to be a fun experience. Yes, it’s a competition, but the fact is there can only be one winner. And whether or not that is you, you want to walk away having learned, perhaps made some friends, and created fond memories. With that said, take the competition seriously, but also don’t forget to have fun and enjoy yourself!. 
It goes without saying that we all want to be the best version of ourselves in life. Competing in a pageant is a great way to challenge yourself and improve in a variety of different aspects of life. I hope you found these tips helpful and insightful.

Happy Cheers

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